Much has been said about the Dallas Cowboys and Tony Romo.
He never won the big game...he froze, he fumbled, he.....fill in the blank. Those things may be true but those things also made me think. If Tony was so bad, then why didn't he get replaced? Probably because there wasn't anybody that could do what he could. Bottom line, Tony gave his team the best chance to win. Think about it - remember when he went down with the collar bone injury - a lot of people were happy and thought - FINALLY - there'll be a change and we can win without Romo...Seriously?
We all seem to coach better and know the game better than the coaches on the field. We all know the call that should have been run, instead of the 'stupid coaches' who don't know anything play...
Sure we can assume who we think the Cowboys should draft, drop, or bring into the organization...we THINK WE KNOW who should start or that maybe we should get rid of him, because he's terrible and can't play. If you stop and think about it - even the worse player on an NFL team is better than he best player who didn't get drafted or was sent home packing, early in his career.
We are not around the facilities every day - we don't know who the rotten apple is...we don't know what the player brings to the team...the coaches do and that is why they are there...that is why they make the decisions, not us - lol...remember that the next time you go to see a live game - whether its high school, college, pro, or even the pee-wee leagues...we are all human and we all try our best.
Tony received a lot of criticism through his career and as the leader of the team, rightfully so. I am glad to be a Cowboys fan and I am happy he brought so much emotion to this team throughout the years.
Now, Tony has moved on to the next chapter in his life. He feels like he could play, today - but will he? His wife and family feel they could use him healthy and in one piece the way he is coming home, these days...unlike before, when everyone was on pins and needles hoping he wouldn't get hurt.
The chairs in the tv booth are very comfortable. I'm sure that he is being swayed to stay right where he is at.
Take about 27 minutes and watch the story of Tony Romo...A Football Life - - Go Cowboys! Because this video is property of the NFL, you will need to see it directly on YouTube. :)