Jess Jennings

Jess Jennings

Hi, I'm Jess! I'm a hot-mess momma who loves growing groceries... canning pickles, jams, and jellies... and playin' ALL the country favorites to get us through the workday!


Perfect Candy & Wine Pairings

Going to a Halloween party this weekend? Make sure you bring the right wine!

According to wine influencer Kimberlee Lizakowski, aka That Blonde Wino, these are the perfect candy and wine pairings …

  • Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups and merlot
  • Sour Patch Kids and pinot grigio
  • M&M’s and Gamay
  • Peanut M&M’s and Malbec
  • Starburst and viognier
  • Twizzlers and Sangiovese
  • Candy corn and chardonnay
  • Hershey’s and zinfandel
  • Kit Kat and pinot noir
  • Twix and cabernet sauvignon

Contenido patrocinado

Contenido patrocinado