The Midland Show is SOLD OUT! The only way in, now is to win your pair of tickets.
Here’s how….Tune in weekdays at 7:05am and 3:38pm during trivia – correctly answer the question and win your way in! Thanks to everyone who registered at Qualfon and Prime Healthcare. All winners have been notified via phone.
We are working on something special that a select few can be a part of – details soon….get there early, look for the KTEX / Prime Healthcare table near the entrance and register to win a pair of meet & greet passes…at the Midland show – we will announce a key phrase that will help you win tickets for our next H-U-G-E show. It will be announced the night of the Midland Show. #excited
You will need this phone number to play to win your tickets, this week! 1-800-622-5839 – good luck!